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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Autumn

By Cybil Kendrick, LMT, CSMA

Yin and Yang symbol with image of fall leaves and Wash Park Chiro logo

As the nights grow crisper and the kids head back to school, our lives tend to become less chaotic and our routines begin to solidify again. Autumn is upon us! Some of us don’t want to let go of the energy and freedom of summer, while others are happy to move forward. Whether or not we are aware of it, each season has a certain energy and flow. Autumn, as viewed in traditional Chinese medicine, is a time of reflection. It is a time to reap the final harvests and turn our energies inward. If you pay attention to nature and its cycle, it is time for the plants to stop expanding, flowering and fruiting. For trees to drop their leaves so they can preserve their essence through the winter. They do not hold on to what is not needed just in case they might need them next year; they know innately that they will grow what they need again next year. How many of us take the time to let go of the old, of what we do not need any more? Many of us hold on to things, emotions, people, etc. that do not fit us, serve us or support us any longer. And with so much excess, waste, and clutter in our lives and bodies, we struggle to know our true selves and to know what is truly important in our lives.

In Chinese medicine, the element associated with autumn is metal (or air), the organs associated are the lung and large intestine, and the emotion is grief. The lungs take in the pure and new, and the large intestines eliminate waste. So it is clear that if we are blocked with waste, there is no room for new, pure, clean energy. If we physically hang on to things that do not serve us, it causes clutter in our homes and blocks the flow of clean and clear energy, as noted in Feng Shui. The same occurs physically, emotionally and energetically in our bodies. When we let go of what is not serving us, we create space for receiving what we need. Then we can know who we really are and what is truly important to ourselves.

It is time to reflect, conserve and organize. Go through your closet, garage, basement, desk, or any cluttered area in your home. Discard what you don’t need and donate, sell or pass on what might be of value to others. Reflect on your emotions and any negativities within you, and attempt to resolve hurtful issues. Let them go. If you cannot resolve something directly with someone, or it is an issue with yourself, write it down, then burn it to release the energy. Take time to breathe deeply and slowly into your abdomen rather than your chest. Clean out your refrigerator of food that won’t nurture you, and fill it with clean, whole foods. Starting a cleanse/detox before the weather turns cold can also help balance the energies and elements in you body. Oh, and you can come see me for acupuncture :)

Cybil Kendrick, L.Ac.,MSOM, C.SMA, RMT is a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) with her Masters in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) and is certified in Sports Medicine Acupuncture® (C.SMA) and Massage Therapy (RMT).


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