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Normatec PULSE Recovery System

Always on the cutting edge of technology, in 2015 we introduced the NormaTec PULSE Recovery Compression System to Wash Park Chiropractic. Used by USA Olympics, NFL, NBA, NHL, Ironman and other elite athletes, NormaTec has become an important ingredient for fast recovery from a hard leg workout. The state of the art system optimizes recovery and performance. Using a patented, super compressive, massage pattern, NormaTec significantly improves circulation in the legs mobilizing fluid up and away from the legs. This can reduce swelling, decrease pain and speed recovery. What does that mean to you? Back to your sport faster. Anyone can use the NormaTec PRC System and will likely notice a significant benefit. Athletes whose sports include running, triathlon, cycling, skiing, snowboarding, hockey, soccer, Crossfit, HIIT, equestrian or other leg-intensive activities will LOVE a session following training.

How does NormaTec PRC Work?

The system includes a control unit and attachments which go on the legs, arms, or hips. They use compressed air to massage your limbs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery with our patented NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern. When you use our systems, you will first experience a pre-inflate cycle, during which the connected attachments are molded to your exact body shape. The session will then begin by compressing your feet, hands, or upper quad (depending on which attachment you are using). Similar to the kneading and stroking done during a massage, each segment of the attachment will first compress in a pulsing manner and then release. This will repeat for each segment of the attachment as the compression pattern works its way up your limb.

More Info at NormaTec

Watch Good Morning America's segment on NormaTec: 

We recommend a minimum 20 minute session that can be done within minutes or days of strenuous leg activity. It is often scheduled following a Graston or FAKTR session or after a deep tissue Massage. NormaTec sessions can also be scheduled on their own several times per week.

  • 20 Minute Session / $10

  • Monthly Unlimited 20 Minute Sessions / $50

  • Free WiFi – you can be productive during your NormaTec session or just relax in passive therapy room

Please call to schedule your session 303-744-7100 or try your luck by stopping in.

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One of our hottest new treatments for recovery, swelling, injury and pain, NormaTec is always featured on our instagram @washparkchiro

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